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DvBei DBS-05 Navigation Signal Simulator

TIME:2023-07-31 View:265}


DvBei DBS-05 GPS Beidou Navigation Signal Simulator

Technical features:
-->Support high dynamic and static satellite navigation signals;
-->Support the selection of five navigation channels arbitrarily.
-->Support the function of selecting channels, set the intensity of each channel individually.
-->Support attenuation control; support motion track.
-->Support RF cable interface and forwarding antenna interface;
--> Support GLN zui support 8 channels;
--> BD2 BI/B2/B3 zui support 16 channels;
-->Support 12 channels GPS L1 carrier C/A code signal, zui more than simultaneous simulation of 12 GPS satellite navigation signals;
-->Support real-time status display, such as type, number, number, pitch angle, pseudo-distance, health status and other information, sky view and motion track view;

Output Frequency.
--> GPS L1:1575.42MHz;
--> GLN:1598.5625MHz to 1608.75MHz;
--> B1:1561.098MHz ±2.046MHz;
--> B2:1207.140MHz ±2.046MHz;
--> B3: 1268.52MHz ±10.23MHz;
